Chuffed to bit..........Over a Thousand people have now viewed my blog! Thanks all.
Its been over a week since my last update and much water, or should I say miles, have passed under the bridge. 103miles of swimming, cycling and running last week and totals for this week already total over 60.

It comes with mostly Ultegra shifters, these have taken a bit to get use too and if I am honest I prefer the Rivals that are fitted on the Boardman. I also have some doubts about the Sella Italia perch that came with the CUBE, its very hard but as I have not done any serious mileage yet (Only been 30mile on it) I will keep an open mind.
I am now using the Boardman as my commuter. In a straight line its 6.4mile to work but I have made a vow never to cycle the same way twice in one week and if this weather had been a little better I am sure I would have many more miles under my belt. So far this week I have not had a single ride to work or run in dry conditions, this and the conditions on some of Wiltshire's country lanes and its slowly turning me into a better cyclist.
Getting my toes wet again has been fun, although I have not ventured into open water yet the pool swims I have had have been great........great to get back in that is! The first two dips were used to get the swim muscles acquainted to it again and I now appear to be where I was last September.
Onwards and upwards, in a months time I will be 40 and this cookie has no intentions of going quietly!!