Hi Folks, welcome to my latest blog. Before my ramblings commence here are a couple of statistics for you. At the time of writing this my blog has been viewed 1451 times, 377 times this month alone (And there is still this blog left to go). My audience is mainly in the UK but I also have regular views form the United States, Russia, Germany, Spain, Holland, Latvia, Norway, Romania and Tunisia. I am delighted with the above and would like to thank you all for visiting this page. If you enjoy, please feel free to share using the link options at the bottom.
A leading sponsor of Swansea City Football Club, Wales Premiership Football Team, they have advised a number of high profile International Sportsmen. It is now very commendable that they now support one whose profile may not be of such grand status, one without a hope of winning but one that promises to give his all come the day. A big special thank you to Amy Seppman, JCP's Marketing Manager, for her help in making it happen. Please show your support by visiting my Sponsors page where a full description of services offered are available. Alternatively click here for a direct link to their website or visit their facebook page here.
Also onboard the good ship 'Taming Tenby' are Dorians Heal Bar. Established in 1964 by Mr Dorian Price, the business has thrived and become a cornerstone for a multitude of local sporting associations and clubs as well as the general public in the Swansea and Carmarthen communities. Dorian Heel Bars offer a boundless range of services. From key cutting and shoe repair, (most of which can be done while you wait), through to engraving, sport trophies and gifts. RNLI collection boxes are present in each shop with all donations going towards my total. Visit them on line by clicking here.
My injury still continues to frustrate; especially as we have experienced some perfect cycling and open water swimming weather in South Wales this last week. As such I have viewed friends Social Media status with envy as I read about long ride induced dodgy tan lines and blue flagged beach swims. Bit different to arm in a sling, sat on the turbo trainer, melting in the kitchen watching Jeremy Kyle and Loose Women sessions (Did I really just admit to watching them?!?!?).
Its not all bad as I continue to run without pain and have increased my long run session to Nine miles. Really chuffed with this as it was done in the midday sun, on the hottest day this year. Only pain experienced was caused by running out of water with 2 miles left to go and hot spots on the soles of my feet brought on by my inability to tie my trainers tight enough due to injury (Still have to ask Ever Suffering wife to open Jars, bottles and tins for me, some cynics will say that this has always been the case!). Yesterdays investment in some elastic laces should alleviate the latter.
By far the biggest drawback from having my arm in a cast is not the inability to swim or cycle, nor is it the ability to wash both my arm pits (Although if you stand on my right side you may disagree). The excellent weather witnessed this last week, coupled with my continued exertions, has meant I have perspired profusely when running or spinning. As such the fibre glass cast has become on occasions drenched with sweat. I have learnt that the use of a hair dryer pointed into the cast is excellent for sorting this out. A quick puff of talc on completion is then great for stopping any itching. It is not however advised, should any of you find yourself in the same predicament, to pour copious amounts of talc into the top of the cast prior to it drying. I did, and it was quickly followed a substance closely resembling porridge appearing from the other end. The smell of the cast is pretty horrific too and is only offset by the smell of talc for a short period, I am sure being banished to the spare bedroom is just one more sweaty run away.....it not all bad though as it does balance the poorly washed armpit out!..........time to get it changed maybe?
As the title of this posts suggests, the main reason for producing these diffuse and disconnected collection of words, is to encourage your support. You can do this by donating to the RNLI, further details of which can be found here.
Until next time Tri'ers!