Since my last post I have managed to add another 52miles to my training. A day off work on Monday meant I was able to head out on my trusty stead for a 37mile ride with a fellow Celtictri member. My legs felt quite tired from the previous weeks exploits but I surprised myself by climbing much quicker than I normally do. I even felt reasonably OK by the time I reached the summit. The last 5 mile or so were not great however and as such I took full heed of the message my body was trying to get through to my thick skull and decided upon a rest day on Tuesday.
I find rest days frustrating, even though I felt great I know that a day off was much needed. Normally on these days I like to still go to the gym and have a relaxing swim, Sauna etc etc but as I was away with work this was not possible. Settling for a film about some guy making his own tri suit I was disappointed to learn that Ironman with Robert Downey Jr has nothing to do with triathlon, pretty glad actually as I was starting to think that the dodgy florescent colours witness on many a tri suit in the 80's were making a come back!
So, anyone wondering about my title for this blog? Well first let me tell you about my spinning session tonight. I am willing to wager that every single one of you reading this has gone for a workout and within Ten minutes have wanted to rap it all in. This happened to me today, I just could not get going, legs felt like lead, could not find any music to excite me and lift the moment, it was terrible. I will now refer you back to Monday's ride and the fellow Triathlon Club member who accompanied me.
This is Mike and I after our ride on Monday (I am the good looking one on the left!). Mike has a form of Muscular Dystrophy, he has also signed up for this years Ironman Wales, I have never heard him moan about his condition, he just cracks on and gets on with it. Taking Mike's lead that's what I did today, I put my head down and cracked on.
Mike does not like a fuss, I don't think he is that type of guy, he has kindly give me permission to tell you all about his condition, some of you may be inspired to go for a bike ride this weekend, some the gym, some will don their trainers and hit the roads for a run. I challenge anyone to say they are not inspired at all though.
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