Thursday, 22 March 2012

Spike, his part in my downfall

Hi folks,

I have one hell of a cheeky grin on my face at the moment. Am I still pleased that Wales are Grand Slam winners again....yes but that's not it. Am I pleased that Jack my son is playing rugby really well and relishes tackling other kids, especially ones bigger than him?.......yes but that's not it either. Is it because I HAVE JUST HAD A RUN!!!!!! YEH BABY YEH!!!!

To run after four weeks off felt really good........ok, lets revisit that last sentence. To run after four weeks off was really hard. It hurt, it was not pretty, quick or long. I did however have the aforementioned cheesy grin for the whole two mile along the very scenic river path in Chippenham (Moved into digs today, which I stay in while at work)

My biggest worry was chaffing, I still have an open wound in the crotch and I did not want to do anything that would set my recovery back, especially as I know its very important that I get back on the bike as soon as possible. Pleased to report though that I did not do any damage at all. I will be still taking it easy though and easing myself back into things slowly.

During this last week I have once again discovered the delights of squashed, fermented, apple juice. I know this is not good, especially as my diet has not been the best. Some of this I put down to comfort eating, I just hope next time that I jump on the scales they don't scream at me that only one person should be stood on the scale at any one time.

I have discovered that there are only so many times that a person can ask themselves why do people go on the Jeremy Kyle show to be talked to like idiots, be belittled and highlight just what 'Numpties' there are out there. It does show where such a large amount of our taxes are going!!!

In order to avoid this car crash TV I have started reading all my old Triathlon mags, once most of these had been well thumbed I read 'Spike, an intimate memoir' by Norma Farnes. A book about the legendary Spike Milligan from the heart of the woman that started as a 'Temp' and eventually became his manager and most probably his best and most trusted friend.

If you have read any of Spike's books you will know just how funny they are. In reality though Spike, like so many other talented funny guys, was a troubled and tormented soul. Suffering greatly from bouts of depression he would often lock himself away for days and even spent time in institutions. A roller coaster ride of emotions its a fantastic read and very, very funny in parts.

Volunteered to marshall at the Mumbles Duathlon this weekend, good luck to all readers taking part, especially Amy and Andrew as its their first time doing such a thing.

Monday, 12 March 2012

Temptation, Dog do do roulette and my poor old Tally Whacker

Hi folks!

Pleased to report that I am feeling much more upbeat about my recovery, the majority of the swelling has gone but the haematoma remains on my right leg, it is however decreasing in size so good news. Not wanting to leave anything to chance I am ensuring, for the first time in my life, that I complete taking the course of antibiotics even though I am sure its not required any more.

Its not anywhere near as painful as it was just a couple of days ago and the temptation now is to try and be more active. As you can see from the photo of my left leg there is still quite a bit of bruising even after two weeks, I also still have a hole which is packed to ensure that it heals from the inside out rather than close up and an abscess form. Cant even to begin to imagine how painful cycling would be with one in the crotch, ouch!

As I should be doing so much walking I thought it would be good to have a little company, queue Madi, my brother in laws Malamute dog. Now even though I have been brought up with dogs and have picked up loads of excriment in one shape or form over the years its still not a pleasant thing to do. I have a feeling however that Madi is not as daft as she looks, for the three mile that I walked her every time she stopped she would look at me as if to say 'Get them bags ready big boy!' and each time it was a false alarm. That is until I got less than 100yds from home when Madi left me a present. Not sure what she is getting fed but I think there needs to be much less of it, black bags would have been more suitable to the task than the little things I was inappropriately given! On a serious note it is quite sad and evident how many irresponsible dog owners there are.

Before I start to talk about my poor old Tally Whacker I must tell you all that due to the operation the area around him has had a hiding. Its been slashed, its been bashed, its bruised, its very tender and everything other than my old boy is swollen! It would appear that my John Thomas has reacted in the complete opposite of his surroundings and I can't say I blame him to be honest..........I just was not expecting the wife to point it out! Its ok though, he's just keeping his head down (no pun intended!) just in case he's next!!!

Many will now be wondering why I would want to share such information with you and the answer is quite simple, Your MONEY! If I have made you laugh or smile even once during this read why not show your appreciation by sponsoring me £1 (more if you feel generous) in my bid to become an Ironman. All money raised will go the the RNLI and the link to my fundraising page can be found to the right of this blog.

Many thanks in advance.


Tuesday, 6 March 2012

Frustration........ humph!

Its not been the best of weeks for this wanabe Ironman, I may have mentioned in previous blogs that I was due to go under the surgeons knife. This has now been done but unfortunately its not gone as well as I would have liked. I had an operation to remove two varicose veins, it was all quite straight forward and I was only actually in the hospital for 7 hours, two of them were waiting for the Op.

Quite disappointed to have been told prior to the operation that there was no reason to shave my toilet parts, especially after a trip to the Hospital today has revealed that I have clotting (not venal....phew!!!) and an infection where they have gone in to cut and tie the vein in the crotch. Now due to the privet being trimmed I am going to have to be a very brave boy when removing the extra sticky plaster that the 'kind' nurse applied. It also explains why I have been getting hot flushes and weak spells. I've some cracking photo's but they are not for the weak hearted hence they have not made an appearance here.

My poor, ever suffering wife has not killed me...... yet, I think its only a matter of time however as my frustration over my inactivity, lack of sleep (waking up for an 'old mans' 3/4 time a night is not good, think its caused by the swelling) and the lack human contact through the day means my mouth can go into 'Belt fed' mode. She definitely needs a medal and I don't know where I would be without her ever supportive shoulder. I was hoping to be running by the end of this week but it now looks like two weeks away at the earliest.

Shocked to read in the South Wales Evening post about another driver using their vehicle as a weapon against a cyclist. I really do hope an example is made of her when the court reconvenes for sentencing, its only a matter of time before someone looses their life. Suppose this is a good medium for me to ask all my non cyclist friends to have a little bit of patience if they come across one. It shocks me the amount of respect that we give a horse and rider by not a cyclist when we don't take up as much room, we don't leave 'presents' on the road and you can pass us far quicker (Please ensure that your wing mirror is more than 6inches from my elbow please!)

And finally before I dart back to my sickbed, DIETS! I hate this word and am amazed why people set themselves up for a fall by sticking to daft eating regimes. Surely its simple, eat a well balanced and varied diet, carbs are not your enemy, exercise more and ensure that you burn more than you put in.......Simples!

P.S. Did you know that if you click on any of the adverts in this blog I get money? All the money raised will go towards my fundraising total for the RNLI and the only adverts shown should be connected with things I think you will be interested in (Wiggle, Evan Cycles, CRC etc etc)