Monday, 12 March 2012

Temptation, Dog do do roulette and my poor old Tally Whacker

Hi folks!

Pleased to report that I am feeling much more upbeat about my recovery, the majority of the swelling has gone but the haematoma remains on my right leg, it is however decreasing in size so good news. Not wanting to leave anything to chance I am ensuring, for the first time in my life, that I complete taking the course of antibiotics even though I am sure its not required any more.

Its not anywhere near as painful as it was just a couple of days ago and the temptation now is to try and be more active. As you can see from the photo of my left leg there is still quite a bit of bruising even after two weeks, I also still have a hole which is packed to ensure that it heals from the inside out rather than close up and an abscess form. Cant even to begin to imagine how painful cycling would be with one in the crotch, ouch!

As I should be doing so much walking I thought it would be good to have a little company, queue Madi, my brother in laws Malamute dog. Now even though I have been brought up with dogs and have picked up loads of excriment in one shape or form over the years its still not a pleasant thing to do. I have a feeling however that Madi is not as daft as she looks, for the three mile that I walked her every time she stopped she would look at me as if to say 'Get them bags ready big boy!' and each time it was a false alarm. That is until I got less than 100yds from home when Madi left me a present. Not sure what she is getting fed but I think there needs to be much less of it, black bags would have been more suitable to the task than the little things I was inappropriately given! On a serious note it is quite sad and evident how many irresponsible dog owners there are.

Before I start to talk about my poor old Tally Whacker I must tell you all that due to the operation the area around him has had a hiding. Its been slashed, its been bashed, its bruised, its very tender and everything other than my old boy is swollen! It would appear that my John Thomas has reacted in the complete opposite of his surroundings and I can't say I blame him to be honest..........I just was not expecting the wife to point it out! Its ok though, he's just keeping his head down (no pun intended!) just in case he's next!!!

Many will now be wondering why I would want to share such information with you and the answer is quite simple, Your MONEY! If I have made you laugh or smile even once during this read why not show your appreciation by sponsoring me £1 (more if you feel generous) in my bid to become an Ironman. All money raised will go the the RNLI and the link to my fundraising page can be found to the right of this blog.

Many thanks in advance.



  1. Hi Rob, glad to hear you're on the mend. I know how frustrating the last few weeks must be for you, you just need to hold a steady course and you'll soon be back out on the bike.

    Remind me [bully me] to sponsor you on the 26th March payday, as I think your Ironman deserve a little more than £1. All the best Andrew

  2. Andrew, you are obviously very well endowed. May all your offspring be stong males and any females bring you many Camels.

    It has been frustrating, I am itching to do something but am not going to risk coming back too early

    thanks again.

