There is an old saying that time and tide stand still for no man. How right they are, it only seems like yesterday I posted on FB that its 100 days until I will be stood on North Beach, Tenby. In a blink of an eye 12 days have past and I am sure the remaining days will fly by just as quick.
Training is still going well but the frustration of not being able to go for a swim or get out on the bike is immense. I dread to think what I would be like if I could not run or have a session on the turbo, without doubt the bookies would have paid out on Mrs Taming Tenby killing me ages ago (At present its still odds on!). Anyway I already have swimming gear in the boot of my car and the minute its off I will be getting my toes wet.
Eight days until I am free of the cast (And Mrs Taming Tenby is free of me). Think the nurses will be amazed just how smelly its become and I feel a little like Tom Hanks in the film Castaway as my best friend is now a chopstick! (Knitting needles are terribly hard to come by these days). So much talc and sweat have been absorbed by the cast that I am pretty sure it now has its own mini biosystem. Proof of this was when Charlie (The chopstick) and I were involved in eliminating an itch, both of us were really not expecting something to tumble out onto the floor. I must admit that it would not have been so troubling if it hadn't sprouted legs and scurried away.
I have hatched a plan in order to reach my fundraising target. Not all of these ides can be revealed yet but I am sure that with the help of family, friends and my very kind Corporate sponsors I will reach my target. If you would like to support my efforts and my more importantly my nominated charity you can do any of the following:
Shirt printed by Dorian's Heel bar. Swansea. Thanks Jon and Den |
- Sponsor me Directly by visiting my donation page.... Click here
- Buy a Lucky Lifeboat Station from me for £2 and if your station gets picked you win £50!!!
- Suggest to your boss that he/she could advertise their business cheaply. In return I will ensure I 'Plug' the company name as often as possible (I have some cracking opportunities lined up!) and add their logo to my race apparel. My Sponsor me page contains my contact details for further information.
- Or pop into Dorians heel bar and place a donation in the RNLI box.
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Where's (the) Wally? |
Tri and Enter events are also very worthy additions. They put on some first class races, the next one being the Mumbles Triathlon this weekend (Saturday 23rd June 0700). What makes them worthy? Tri and Enter go out of their way to make sure that every athlete from Newbie to Pro enjoys the experience, hold events in some fantastic locations and appreciate for some its not a race but an experience or challenge, only too willing to answer any question or point people in the right direction. All Marshals at Tri and Enter events are volunteers, are well briefed and as such they are far more interested in the days events. As I have previously been sent the wrong way, been shouted at in foreign tongues and been on the end of blank vacant stares during events organised by other companies, its great to have people who want to be there (The bottle of wine, packed lunch and T-Shirt ease the burden of volunteering!). If you want to try your hand at marshalling, taking part in an event or are interested in a corporate event why not drop them a line here. Fancy joining me marshalling this weekend? Its the next best thing to Racing!
Until next time,
Taming Tenby.
Good work on the of's all getting very corporate! When u back at work? I will willingly take you out on some routes to ensure that you think wise man's will be of no concern..